There Are A Variety Of
BRT Resources
Available To You

Including: Online Seminars, Podcasts, Videos, Articles, & More.

Online BRT Seminars

These are the most comprehensive way to apply the healing of BRT principles in your life.
Together with your therapist’s support, you will learn BRT principles and apply the them to your individual situation and life.
Each principle is broken into a chapter. Each chapter starts with a video where Dr Watson introduces a topic. Then you complete the corresponding section in your workbook. Ultimately, you take that information to the therapist and together you identify all the ways that the section’s material applies in your life.
Discounts on the seminars are given if you select a therapist who is BRT Certified. 


Dr Watson has written books for those who want to gain knowledge about their struggles but aren’t quite ready for therapy. These books are a gentle way to start “Learning the Why” while incorporating BRT in their everyday life. 

Two Rule Diet

Conquering PTSD

Ask The Doc

Have a burning question for the Podcast? Ask Dr. Watson here!

On YouTube

Depression Overview

Anxiety Overview

Bipolar and Borderline Overview

Why Dr Watson is Truly One of a Kind

Why Mental Health Care Often Fails to Help + What to do About That

The 3 False Beliefs That Cripple Your Healing • University Elite Mental Health Care Webinar

Is Putin a Psychopath?

What's the Difference Between BRT Level 1 & Level 2?

Understanding The Emotional Winter & How to Bring The Sunshine Back


Dr. Watson is a Nationally Recognized Contributor to These & Other Publications.

One year since Uvalde school shooting:

Does a memorial help with mental health and healing?

Utah psychiatrist peers into

dark mind of school shooter

Is it time for parents to remove

kids from social media?

Polarization is behind US mass

shootings, says psychiatrist

One year since Uvalde school shooting:

Does a memorial help with mental health and healing?

Utah psychiatrist peers into

dark mind of school shooter

Is it time for parents to remove

kids from social media?

Polarization is behind US mass

shootings, says psychiatrist

Becoming Supermom

The Epoch Times

Meditate or Wait:

Should Meditation be Taught in Schools? [Study]

Treatment Options for Individuals with

PTSD and Concurrent TBI: A Literature Review and Case Presentation


for Adults. A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals

Beyond Risk & Back Podcast

What is Addiction?


Brain Reactivation Therapy (BRT) is the leading new modality, complementing (not replacing) all other therapy modalities. All of the resources below incorporate BRT.

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